The GEMAXX Communications GmbH is a licensed Company within the meaning of Section 6 of the German Telecommunications Act.
The competent authority for the telecommunications services rendered is:
Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP)
Behördensitz Bonn
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn/ Deutschland
Writing and printing errors reserved. All information is Subject to misprints errors.GEMAXX Communications GmbH assumes no liability for errors.
Disclaimer: The information provided on our websites has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. However, no liability or guarantee can be given that all information is always complete, accurate and up to date.
This particularly applies to all connections ("links") to other websites which are referred to directly or indirectly. Regarding the links, GEMAXX Communications GmbH expressly states that it has no influence on the design and content of the linked pages and that their contents are not adopted.
This declaration applies to all links on the website of GEMAXX Communications GmbH and all contents of the pages to which GEMAXX Communications GmbH banners and links redirect.